
Benefits of Working with a Math Tutor

Education & Development Blog

Many students struggle with math, and without proper help, it can be an uphill battle. Working with a math tutor can provide the extra support and guidance that students need to excel in this challenging subject. However, knowing when to start working with a tutor can be difficult. Here are some of the benefits of working with a math tutor, as well as the best methods to ensure success. No matter your age or level of proficiency, this guide will help you determine whether a math tutor is right for you.

17 October 2023

Don't Want a Medical Degree? 4 Healthcare Careers You Can Do With a Vocational Course


If you've always wanted to pursue a career in healthcare but you don't want to get a medical degree, you're in luck. These days, there are many vocational courses available in the healthcare field. With a vocational healthcare course, you get practical training and new opportunities for employment without the need for a degree. Here are just four careers you can delve into with a vocational qualification. 1. Healthcare administrator

12 July 2021

How To Make The Most Of Your Child Care Centre

Education & Development Blog

Child care centres are a fantastic resource for parents who need to work and want their children to begin their social life with others their age. Child care centres can be used up until primary school, and often they offer after-school care hours for school-aged children as well. if you want to utilise them, then there are a couple of things you should think about before you sign your child up for one.

29 October 2019

3 Steps to Get Your Child Ready for an Early Learning Centre


Early learning centres are good for parents who want professional help to give their kids a good head start. These centres equip children with the right developmental skills by providing opportunities to talk, play and interact with other kids in an enabling environment. Here are some steps you can follow to get your child ready for an early learning centre. Work on Communication from the Start You can build language skills by openly communicating with your child from the beginning.

30 April 2018

5 Ways to Get Your Teen Ready for Driving

Education & Development Blog

If you have a teenager in the family, chances are they are looking forward to learning to drive — and you are dreading the day they get their permit and hit the road. Learning to drive and getting a license are major milestones in the life of a young person, but it can be a source of worry and trepidation for the parents involved. If you want your son or daughter to grow up and be a safe driver, the time to lay the groundwork is now — before they land that learner's permit and start taking lessons.

28 August 2017

How Becoming a Homestay Host Family Will Benefit Your Shy Teen

Education & Development Blog

Has your teenager become unexpectedly shy over the years? Shyness is a common problem for teens, affecting around 47% of adolescent boys and girls. As a parent, it can be hard to encourage your teen to make friends and engage socially because most interaction takes place at school, where you can't see what's happening. That's why becoming a host family for a teenager from another country can be a great way to help your teen overcome shyness.

13 July 2017

Oxidising Substances You Are Likely to Encounter in the Freight Sector

Education & Development Blog

Oxidising substances fall within the nine classes of dangerous goods transported all over the world. They are categorised as substances that can cause or speed up the combustion of the materials around them. The chemistry involved happens through a redox reaction. In the event of a fire, the oxidising agent gives off oxygen that encourages the other materials around them to burn. To add on that, oxidisers also exude heat and worsen the effects of the fire.

22 June 2017

Experienced Drivers: 3 Reasons to Sign Up for Driving Lessons


If you passed your driving test long ago and have many miles under your belt, you may not think of booking yourself in for another driving lesson. After all, with your vast experience and knowledge of the roads, why would you need any more instruction? However, your driving may not be as good as you believe it to be, so in some circumstances, an additional driving course is just what is needed, even if you already have a driving licence.

19 May 2017

What to Do if Work Needs to Be Carried Out in a Confined or Restricted Space

Education & Development Blog

As a business owner, manager or supervisor, you may be faced with an unusual repair task at work. This may not be something that you've come across before and presents a significant challenge. You may have been told that the area in question poses risks to the employees as they enter and conduct repairs, and you need to put in place specific safety protocol. In particular, you may be confused about the difference between some definitions laid down by the government.

9 May 2017

Two Reasons to Invest in Order Picker Forklift Training

Education & Development Blog

Order picker forklifts are used on a regular basis in many warehouses, factories and other industrial settings. This type of machinery is not as simple to operate as it may initially seem; if used by an untrained individual, the consequences could be disastrous. Here are two specific reasons why business owners who keep this equipment on their premises should invest in order picker forklift training for their employees. To prevent injuries and fatalities

20 April 2017